Must blog before I forgot, already did not blog about last year one, if this year still dun blog will sure kana shoot!Haha.
Anyway, last last friday Kiehl's had an early birthday celebration for all of us!!!!
We went to Waraku at heeren. Quite a nice place and they are able to tolerate our nonsenses and noisiness. Haha!
Anyway, here are our photos...= )

Making wishes and blowing candles!
With the charming girlfriendsss...(theirs)
Sarah also selected a fossil watch for my present!!!Thanks!Finally get rid of my old casio watch liao...Imagine I had to wear a black army casio watch when I wear shirts and tie to attend weddings before it.Haha.So it really came as a the perfect gift this season!Haha!Not to forget,Thanks guys for chipping in the presents and celebrating our birthdays with us!!!!!
Cheers Tommy
Catchline of the Day:
I went to a garage sale one day...
Me: How much for the garage?
Sales: It's not for sales..."-.-