Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mac Vs PC
This was from my previous course IT1001.Think it's super duper funny.Hope you all enjoy...
So, buying PC or MAC?Haha...
Crazy Catchline of the day:
Since I am so bored studying, shall give u all one more video on Mac vs PC ba.hee
Taste of Honey:
"A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up or going on."
--From Daily Bread again.haha
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ben & Jerry Free Cone Day!!!
Saw a couple of friends there too...
Saw JunLin and Ho Wai too...But din get to take picture with them.Cos I was too busy having my macdonald lunch while queuing up for the ice cream.Haha!
When me and my brother decided that we still haven have enough....
In the evening, I met up with the Kiehl's Gang (Gary, Edwin, William, Gary's GF and Edwin's cousin) and ate 2 more ice creams!!!
So in the end, I ate 1 Chocolate therapy, 1Strawberry, 1 New York Fudge and 1 Chunky Monkey..Total 4!!!Hooray!Well, This is going to be my last year of eating free cones day from Ben and Jerry already. It's because I am finally graduating. And work timing will not permit me to have time to queue up for this kinda thing.
Well, as years go by, many need to work and study. So more and more people cant make it to Free Cones Day anymore.SO SAD....missed the good old days....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yun Nan Hair Treatment...
Saw an advertisment on TV about a free trial...So I gave it a try....
During the analysis, found that my hair are really decreasing....These are the sad findings...
1)Usually a hole shld have around three to four hairs, but mine only have one to two hairs only
2)The space between each hair growth are wider and wider...meaning the hair in between are missing....
3) Alot of stuff clogging up the holes.
4) Oily and sensitive scalp...
And all these added to my hair loss problem...and also add on to the persuading power of the "consultant" to sign up a plan.
Well, about the was CRAZY!!!!!She told me to go for a 20 times treatment program. the first 10 times will be deep cleansing to get rid of the clogging and the last 10 times then is the real treatment. And you know what!One time treatment cost $145!Usually the one I went for (which honestly not much help la...) cost only $21!Which means, I need to come up with $2900 for the whole treatment!!!!
Crazy rite?So i tell them I am still a poor student and will not be able to afford this kinda expenditure. Then they ask about my family la, whether they can support la, how much I can pay if installment la....ask so much...lucky I am so stubborn that these words wun move me.Haha!So they asked me to go for a 5 times deep cleansing 1st at a cheaper rate for students only. But still $360 for 5 sessions!In order to reject nicely, I said " bank now don't even have $360." rite?
So in the end, they let me tried once deep cleansing for free to feel the effect...feel quite good and the hair really seems very clean.But well, I think I am too poor for this still la...
Moreover, got a trial pack of shampoo,conditioner and tonic too!Cool rite?haha.
However, Now then I know that guys with short hair do not need to use conditioners as it will clog up our pores. My gdness!!!!That means I had been cheated all the while la!All along I was taught that washing must follow with a conditioner as the hair will start to split after it touches water. It was all a lie...Guys hair are too short and therefore will not split. Haiz. wasted money for so long now then know.
Anyway, went to meet Janet for lunch after that and know two more of her pretty friends too!Such a nice day.Haha!Then she helped me do a facial sia.So nice of her!But it was so paisei sia as it is at the center forum of paragon and some ppl will look down lor.Haha.But had a great time chatting with her and her friends.
Then met up with William for a free movie "Nim's Island". This is a pay back as I also jio him along when I had a free tix that time. So now is a fair deal.Haha!Saw Xiao Bing too. She is now the photo journalist for mypaper. She was the fastest runner last time in my JC, so cool to see her again sia. Anyway she took a picture of me and William and will be posting it in the mypaper.Haha!You know what, we had to borrow more popcorns from the people around us to act as if they give us alot of popcorns next time do not believe in photos in newspaper:"P.
Crazy Catch line of the day:
Since my blog entry is rather boring, I shall post a joke to lighten you all up..
A woman walks into her boss's office with this complaint:
"All the other women in the office are suing you for sexual harassment. Since you haven't sexually harassed me, I'm suing you for discrimination."
Taste Of Honey:
"Courage is not the absence of fear..It is the mastery of it."
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Accepting the money?
Anyway, Today went church and learnt about trustworthiness and being influential in your work place. So this is what I learnt....
Trustworthy: Honest, reliable, fair, putting God in the first place
There was this illustration that He Xin gave:
There was thisChristian female manager who helped her company to reduce the losses which involves great sum of money. Hence, the big boss gave her a bonus of US4million dollars as a reward.
At the same time, the company was cutting costs on the salary of the staff and having retrenchment. Hence, the female boss rejected the bonus to show a good testimony for Christ.
So if it were you, do you think you will take the money?
During the discussions, these points were raised.
Why accept the money:
1) Can take the money and distribute them to the staff under her as she believed that the work she had done was everyone's effort
2) This is what she deserved
3) By accepting the money, she can show her staff that hard work pays off, so can encourage her staff to work harder to earn bonus too.
Why reject the money:
1) Since the company was still losing money, by rejecting the money, the company could use it to cover the losses and may even reduce the retrenchment and the pay reduction of the staff too.
2) Her staffs were getting retrenched and she still get so much money for a bonus?sure kana scolded and backstab updown left right!
3) Will show the boss that she cared about the welfare of the company and the staff than her only benefits--> gain more trust from her boss
4) Lose repect to the staff
5) want to draw closer to the boss and the staff and maintain a good working relationship in the company and be a good testimony for Christ.
6)Not fair as her staff worked alongside with her too and they did not get the bonus.
Well...although there are much debates about it, and the points seemed to incline towards not accepting the money, I WILL STILL ACCEPT THE MONEY!!!!!WHAHAHAAA!
My gdness la! US 4 million dollars leh!Somemore if the staff really need help, this sum of money can help them too. I don't believe all 3000 of them will have problem and need help at the same time lor!So since only a few might need help, of cos get the money and help them la!Hee..
So if it's you, what's your stand?
Crazy Catchline of the day:
This was a conversation between me and my brother (M) yesterday...haha..
M: "You know where can find places for large amount of lamination at a cheap price?"
T: "Do I look like someone who will know this kinda thing?"
M: " For ONCE i thought you were useful..."
T:"Haha...Then you will need to think TWICE about it."
Rythmn right?Haha....
Taste of Honey:
This is also by my brother whom his fren discussed who hard it is to be a Christian going into a dark dark world like the army.....and here is what he said
"It's not how dark you go, it's how Bright you shine."
"The darker the night, the brighter is the light."
So let's shine for the Lord!Amen!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Almost the most horrible exam that I had ever had. When I asked around hopefully for some smart ppl with some smart answers,I saw realise everyone have different answers .Meaning? Everyone is just as lost as me.
The exam is so difficult that asked so many specific things that you would not be able to answer unless you burnt the book and drank it down your throat. Cant believe I have to do so much for this module that is not even my core!I thought this course should be easy with a project and an mcq. Never did I know, this module involves everything!
From group project to mid term, exams that includes 80 MCQ plus short answer questions and 3 essay questions!My gdness....this kinda course that ppl wana take for a breath and get over with make itself so demanding!Really just hope I can at least get a C+ such that I can S/U it sia.
Ok...enough of complaining about the module liao. Should just give thanks that I have Great friends like Bernard and Esther that accompanied me throughout this shitty module. Without them, this shitty module will really worsen to a LS module for me.
Thanks everyone to hear me whin...Haha!
Crazy Catchline of the day:
Well, a nice friend asked me about my exam after my exam today...
J: So when is your exam starting?
T: It started today .....and ended. So is my career, my future and my life.
(and there goes me complaining how bad the exam had been...Haha!)
Taste Of Honey:
From Daily Bread once again....
" It's not how long you lived that counts, it's how you live."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Crazy Catch Line of the day:
Well, My exams start tml and there are alot of kind souls who encouraged me and asked me about my exam.But being the lame me,...these was some of my answers....
F: "Yo Tommy!How's your exam?"
T: "Oh, he is fine thank you."(My gdness...I haven even start lor...How would I know rite?hahaa)
F:" Yo!Hang in there brother!Have you prepared?"
T:"Ya.I had prepared the rope and tied it to the ceiling liao. Anytime can hang."
F:"Are you READY tml?"
T"No, I am still TOMMY tml."
(Sorry...exams can make a person so lame....)
Taste Of Honey:
A story told by my dad during dinner....
"There was a boy who one day injured his thumb.
When he went to church on sunday, many people surrounded him and asked him how was his thumb out of concern.
However, he became very irritated and said:
"Why are you all so focus and concern about my one injured thumb?I still got 9 fingers that are well!"?
Moral of the story: Focus on your strength rather than your deficit and it will make you a stronger person:")
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Chit Chit Bom Bom Version 2!!!
(This is the second version we had created for Daniel's birthday this year...)
Wonders why I put up so many videos recently???Cos I currently having NO LIFE studying for the stupid exam...Haiz....But gd la, last exam of my life!Hooray!hee.Can't wait for it to end...
Crazy Catchline of the Day:
This conversation was a time when i try to be lame with a friend during a meal...
F: So how's your food?
T:Oh, He is fine, Thank You.
F:So how do you find the soup?
T:Oh!I found it in the store auntie's kitchen.
And I think this was our last meal together.....(Haha!No la!Just kidding...)
Taste of Honey:
From the Movie "Dance of Dragon"
"Hobbies is like a seed that will blossom into hopes and dreams one day."
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Chit Chit Bom Bom By "TWL"!!!
P.S:Please wait for it to load finish to watch the video at one shot k?The lagging effect will make it not so nice...hee
Rehersal 1...When everything just started...
Rehersal 2...The starting of the Chit Chit BOM BOM...(Caution: JOEYEE's extremely loud laughter during the start)
Rehersal 3...Still thinking...
Rehersal 4...When Lydia gone crazy....I think she is possessed...
Rehersal 5...When Lydia cant differentiate "Yo!" and "You!"...and we forgot our moves...
Final..Well..This is the final product.Take it or leave it..Haha!
Well...Good old days...:")
Hope you all had enjoyed...
Crazy Catch line of the day:
Army's Golden rule of survival: 3 Don'ts
"Don't Know." "Don't Care.""Don't Bother."
Taste of Honey:
"The happiest moment is not in winning, But in sharing the winnings with your close ones."
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
So, I shall help my friend advertise abit.Hee.
He is selling 2 (2 way)BANGKOK air tickets 6th - 10th May at $212 nett as he bought the wrong date. More details can be found in this blog,...
So if you are looking for a cheap ticket to go thailand, do contact him ba.
Crazy Catch line of the day + Taste of Honey:
Got this question for the past year exams paper...And till now still dun really know how to answer...
“All social work is about manipulation of behavior”
To which extent do you agree with this statment?
For me, I still not very sure...Any helps?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Another Abyssine Day...
Here is what we did in the "fish tank"...
Me and William..We even planned moves for the dance..Haha..
Dennis and Shuan...Shuan, I never knew you were so hyper one.Haha!
Dennis and Kobe
Kobe and William...Look at the amazing crowd they drew...Think they can do full time in it liao...
Wei Quan and Kai Xiang
Here are some of the comments that we received...
"They had gone mad....anyone can get a replacement for them?"
"How much are you all paid for doing this?"
"Wah!They are real sia.."
"Mummy.I wana buy one home." "-.- least we got their attentions...
Before we left, we also took some group photos...Thanks to Ka hei (My brother) who purposely made his way down to laugh at me T.T...

and helped us to take the group photos...

More photos at
Ok..with all the photos and videos..seems like not really a short post after all.Haha..
Crazy Catch line of the day:
This is an mtv that my fren did for his project and needed help in rating.Think it is super duper funny.You all shld take a look at it and help him rate if u are kind enough...hee
Taste of Honey:
"Treat everything you have as a bonus and give thanks in them, then you will not be whining over your losses."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Social Workers' Dinner Photos
Me and Charlyn while waiting for the rest...

Had some fun and embrassment dancing with Gideon too...think next time no one wana sit same table with me and Gideon liao..Haha...
Our group photos with our Lecturers...
All time favorite...Dr Timothy Sim
The fatherly looking elder in church: Dr Alex
Pretty Korean Lecturer:Dr Choo
Our Head of Department: Dr Ngiam marks depends on you liao...
Some group photos...
The photo with Zhon yun and ANN WEE!!!She is a very famous and reputable in the social work community

Hope you all enjoyed the photos. :")
Crazy Catchline of the day:
Teaching Joeyee what to reply when other people talk about fatness...
Other people:" so heavy...heavier than me sia"
Correct Reply:"Muscles are always heavier than fats"
Other people:"But I don't see your muscles leh...only see your fats."
Correct Reply:"Well..My muscles are under this thin layers of fats. That's why u can only see this thin layer of fats instead of my muscles...BTW, How come you keep on looking at my body?"
Other people:"....."
Taste Of Honey:
Got this self made statement from our bible study on saturday...
(Translation:Your talents can build up your reputations.But your reputations can be destoryed by your character)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Abyssine Cream Event Day 1!
Tell you all something cool about this product...Abyssine is a micro-organism found 3000m below the deep ocean. It survived harsh conditions and therefore by using it as a skin product helps to protect our skin from harsh conditions too.
Then got this new ingredient added to it as well...called Red Corallina. It has self defense system and therefore able to prevent us from aging. It has healing effects too.Hence, It can help to reduce fine lines and Heal our skin...That's where the "Protect, Prevent and Care" comes in for this product.
Anyway, we became like as agogo boy in those "fish tank" sia..Haha...Alot of people laughed at us as we dance, shake and wave to them...
This is from Tuesday with Morris if I am not wrong....the main theme is to be humble..
"Do not boast ur wealth to people poorer than you as they will only get envy. Do not boast your wealth to people richer than you as they will still look down on you. But share what you have to people in need. And they will grateful to you for life."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wore the social worker polo tee

Took a picture while waiting...

And wore jingfen's Harry Potter glasses

and her clown nose...

And finally!!!Got our bags!!!phew....

Can see the difference?Haha..Finally got out of my uncle hairstyle liao...
Anyway, Some may ask why I dun put photos that only got I,me and myself.
Ok...Shall go slp liao...already 1am...I still typing this to entertain you all.So nice of me rite?hahaa!Goodnite everyone!!!
Crazy Catch Line of the Day + Taste Of Honey:
OK...carrying on from yesterday...the 3 magic phrases that can get you out of the hell like quarrel instantly are...
1)"Just tell me everything."
2)"You are just so beautiful."
3)"Sorry. It was all my fault."
Smart rite?hahaa...These are what men's health had said la...You all try liao tell me got use or not then..Haha...
Anyway, If you all really want to know the details of these,you can visit this site ba..Haha.