Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mr Ka....

Hooray!Wah, Thanks everyone for viewing and tagging sia!Din expect this kinda blog thingy could invite so many visitors.Haha..

Anyway, today I shall share with u all about some stupid phone caller(SPC) who had called me thrice and the conversation seemed to repeat itself.

SPC:"Good morning sir, Are you Mr Ka Wing Cheng?"
Me: "Er...ya..what's up?"
SPC:"I am calling from ***. We are having a premium insurance plan for you and this promotion is unique and exlcusive for *** members only,"
Me:" Ok, So what's it about?"
SPC:" So MR KA....."

My goodness, Can't they even differentiate what's first name and last name? It's perfectly fine that they call me Ka Wing Cheng as some people place surname behind, like calling Tommy Cheng. But my goodness, to put my surname as "KA"!!!!!Now my dad becomes a LEG because of this SPC's stupidity. (Btw, If you dun understand, KA means leg in hokkien.)

Well, anyway I did not correct him. Even though he called me three times on different days ,making the same mistake and looking for "Mr Ka". This is a better punishment than embrassing him by correcting him. Cause he will sure commit the same mistake and offend more people. Then there goes his sales....WHAHHAAAA(Evil Laughter)

ok people, that's all for today. Stay tune for more stupid stuff.Haha..


Crazy Catch line of the day:
Well, since exams are near, I shall share with you all some of the nicks I had used in msn during my previous exam period. Most probably you had heard of it before. But well, let this be a refreshment course then.Haha.

During Exam:"Dear God, Either make me smart or make the markers blind or stupid."
After Exam :"Dear God, Since you did not make me smart...Please make the markers blind or stupid."

"If I failed, it's Normal. If I pass, it's God's Grace. If I scored better, it's God's Blessing.If I excel, it's a MIRACLE!"

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